Presentation: "Transforming the Reconciliation Process"
Time: Wednesday 14:15 - 15:15
Location: Westminster Suite
Business Problem:
While the front office is busy attempting to execute trades faster than ever before, down stream systems, especially in the middle-office, are starting to creak from the load. One particular area of concern is the reconciliation process. Not only does it need to scale to cope with load and unexpected trading volume spikes, there is increasing pressure to support near-real auditing to aid in the timely discovery of activities like insider trading.
Current Approaches:What was once acceptable as an over night, weekly or monthly batch process against a database to reconcile trades, positions and cash transactions, now needs to become an event driven process to support near-real-time business monitoring.
Solution:In this talk we investigate the application of Data Grids as a means to scale out, parallelize the processing matching and provide near-real-time insight into the reconciliation process for trades, positions and cash transactions.