Presentation: "Domain Specific Languages : Introduction"
Domain Specific Languages
Time: Friday 09:00 - 09:15 Location: Henry Moore Room
Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) aim at bringing the abstractions in software development closer to the real world of business concerns. Lots of information exists about the plumbing to create DSLS. In this track we present practical applications and tools that are useful today. This track covers a wide range of business areas and technical implementations. This is an area where our conferences have been following developments closely, and interest in DSLs continue its ascent as technologies become both more mature, tools and languages get better, and developers understand the advantages afforded by this technique. Presentation: "The State of the DSL Art in Ruby"
Domain Specific Languages
Time: Friday 15:30 - 16:30 Location: Henry Moore Room
Abstract: The idea of internal DSLs didn't originate in Ruby, but the Ruby community has been pushing hard on the idea and exploring its potential and limitations over the past seven years or so. We're still very excited by the possibilities, but we've definitely learned some things not to do. Mostly we've learned that DSL's aren't magic -- either the white kind (they don't solve all your problems) or the black kind (they aren't really that hard to build). In this talk we'll discuss the lessons the Ruby community has learned, and learn how to build state-of-the-art DSLs without going overboard.