Presentation: "Devs are from Mars, SETs are too"

Time: Wednesday 10:30 - 11:30

Location: Henry Moore Room


In this presentation, you will learn how the Engineering Productivity ("EngProd") team at Google are helping to enable engineers to maintain code at production quality with minimal effort. We shall cover areas such as how EngProd works to provide rapid and robust feedback on checkins and tests, including some of the tools we use, and how Software Engineers in Test (SETs) integrate into the larger development team.

Keywords: Development, test, continuous builds, patterns Target Audience: Developers and technically-focused testers.

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Simon Stewart, Lead developer of WebDriver

 Simon  Stewart
Simon Stewart is a software engineer in test (SET) at Google. He is also lead developer of WebDriver and a core Selenium 2 developer. He is undeniably hairy, and holds a BSc in computer science from Nottingham University.