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Bill Burke, JBoss Fellow and author of O'Reilly's "RESTful Java with JAX-RS"

No picture of  Bill  Burke Bill Burke is a Fellow at the JBoss division of Red Hat. A longtime JBoss contributor and architect, Bill has founded projects like JBoss clustering, EJB3, AOP and RESTEasy. He was JBoss's representative for EJB 3.0, Java EE 5, and JAX-RS JCP specifications. He is author of O'Reilly's "EJB 3.0 5th Edition" and "RESTFul Java with JAX-RS" and has numerous in-print and online articles

Presentation: "Does REST need middleware?"

Track: SOA 2010

Time: Friday 15:30 - 16:30

Location: Henry Moore Room


In SOA applications, complex integration problems have traditionally been solved by using middleware services like transactions, workflow, BPM, and messaging. Do RESTful applications need these traditional services? If so, is there anything missing in REST to solve these particular problems? In this presentation, Bill Burke will discuss how both REST and middleware need each other. He'll describe various possible interfaces to RESTful middleware services like transactions, workflow, and message. He'll show how REST improves how these services are consumed and implemented by both vendors and application developers

Keywords: REST, SOA, Middleware, Standardization

Target Audience: Distributed systems developers, Web service developers