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Stefan Norberg, Head of Architecture at Unibet

 Stefan  Norberg Stefan Norberg is Head of Architecture at Unibet - one of Europe's leading e-gaming providers with over 4 million customers worldwide. Before joining Unibet, Stefan was part of the team that built one of world's first Internet banks in the mid-90:s. He has set up some big Unix HA clusters and a handful of e-commerce sites. He also wrote a book for O'Reilly on how to secure Windows servers and headed up a couple of very high profile projects at stock exchanges, banks and insurance companies. He has been a supporter of open source software since 0.91 of the Linux kernel. Stefan started his computing career on the Commodore 64 and he sold his first Pascal program when we was 14. He's an entrepreneur, but has also worked in large organizations such as Logica and Hewlett-Packard. Stefan has previously given talks at Jfokus, Oredev and at Qcon San Francisco.

Presentation: "Event-driven architecture"

Time: Friday 09:10 - 10:10

Location: St. James's Suite

Event-driven architecture (EDA) is a software architecture pattern promoting the production, detection, consumption of, and reaction to events.
This architectural pattern may be applied by the design and implementation of applications and systems which transmit events among loosely coupled software components and services.

In this session you’ll learn how to create a loosely coupled architecture for your business that has the domain at the core. You’ll learn the basics of EDA, and also learn how we are transforming our architecture at Unibet.com  to become event driven, and what benefits it will bring to our business. The session will cover technologies such as JMS, XML, JSON, Google Protocol Buffers, ActiveMQ and Spring.

Keywords: Architecture, Messaging, Java, Open Source

Target audience: Developers and architects that think that batch jobs are so 1990.