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Juergen Hoeller, Co-founder of the Spring Framework Project

 Juergen  Hoeller

Juergen has been the most active Spring developer since the open source project began from Rod's Interface21 framework back in February 2003. Juergen and Rod together continue to provide the direction for Spring.

Juergen has earned great respect in the Spring and J2EE communities for his energy, the quality of his code, his incredible attention to detail, and his huge contribution in Spring forums and mailing lists.

Juergen is an experienced consultant, with outstanding expertise in web applications, transaction management, O/R mapping technologies, and lightweight remoting. He has specialized in J2EE since early 2000, having held technology leader positions in various projects ranging from enterprise application integration to web-based data visualization.

Presentation: "Spring 3.1 and Beyond - Themes and Trends"

Time: Wednesday 12:05 - 13:05

Location: Fleming Room, Third Floor

The Spring ecosystem is seeing a lot of activity as we move into 2011, with a strong focus on cloud computing and next-generation web applications. At the core of those efforts, the Spring Framework 3.1 provides foundational features such as environment-dependent bean definitions, annotation-driven caching, and unified conversation management. A further key theme will be concurrent programming on Java SE 7, scheduled for the Spring 3.2 release.