Presentation: Tweet"High Performance Network Applications in the Capital Markets"
Message-oriented Middleware (MOM) is a category of products that helps simplify the task of developing distributed applications over varying operating systems, network protocols, and hardware architectures. The Financial Services sector, especially the Capital Markets, have pushed messaging capabilities, scaling, and performance in the last 10 years with the advent of algorithm trading and the meteoric rise in trade volumes. Now other traditional messaging use cases, such as logistics, travel, web infrastructures, and command and control are looking to the current and next generation messaging systems to revolutionize application integration, distributed system development, and infrastructure consolidation. Big Data problems are pushing many traditional data driven organizations to look at messaging as a means to handle both increasing loads and the need for a more real-time analytics approach. In this talk, Todd will cover:
- 1) the key elements of messaging,
- (2) how peer-to-peer messaging has revolutionized the Capital Markets latency race,
- (3) how messaging systems are being implemented today and the technical challenges involved in designing for efficiency/scaling/resiliency,
- (4) where messaging systems and use cases are headed in the next 5 years and why queuing is dead.