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Presentation: "Riak and Dynamo, Five Years Later"

Track: Big Data NoSQL / Time: Friday 14:30 - 15:20 / Location: Mountbatten Room

October 2012 marks the five year anniversary of Amazon's seminal Dynamo paper, which inspired most of the NoSQL databases that appeared shortly after its publication, including Riak. In this session, Andy will reflect on five years of involvement with Riak and distributed databases and discuss what went right, what went wrong, and what the next five years may hold for Riak as we outgrow our Dynamo roots.

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Andy Gross, Co-Creator of Riak, Chief Architect at Basho

Andy Gross

Biography: Andy Gross

Andy is a distributed systems nerd, co-creator of Riak and Webmachine, and Chief Architect at Basho Technologies.  Before Basho, Andy hacked on various distributed systems at Apple, Akamai, and Mochi Media.

Twitter: @argv0
Blog: blog.basho.com