Sarah Aerni
Director, Data Science @Salesforce Einstein

Sarah Aerni is a Director of Data Science at Salesforce Einstein, where she leads teams building AI-powered applications across the Salesforce platform. Prior to Salesforce she led the healthcare & life science and Federal teams at Pivotal. Sarah obtained her PhD from Stanford University in Biomedical Informatics, performing research at the interface of biomedicine and machine learning. She also co-founded a company offering expert services in informatics to both academia and industry.

Find Sarah Aerni at

Talk : Models in Minutes not Months: AI as Microservices

Talk : AI Panel

Other talks from track The Practice & Frontiers of AI

Developer at Booking.com; Open Source Contributor in DuckDuckGo, GitHub and Pandas
Artificial Intelligence DevRel @NVIDIA
Developer Advocate at Google Cloud and PMC Chair for Apache Groovy
Quantitative Researcher @Systematica Investments
CEO @streamdata.io
Consultant, Engineer, Scientist @Winder Research and Development Ltd.
Developer Advocate at Google Cloud and PMC Chair for Apache Groovy
Quantitative Researcher @Systematica Investments
Developer at Booking.com; Open Source Contributor in DuckDuckGo, GitHub and Pandas


Monday, 5 March

Tuesday, 6 March

Wednesday, 7 March