
Leading Edge Backend Languages

Location: Windsor, 5th flr.

Day of week: Monday

Code the future! How cutting-edge programming languages and their more-established forerunners can help solve today and tomorrow’s server-side technical problems.

Track Host:
Jon Rowland
Director of Engineering @Metaswitch

Jon Rowland is a Director of Engineering at Metaswitch, working at the leading edge of cloud native communications software. He has nearly two decades of experience delivering high-scale, highly-available software solutions, and has recently been helping to shape Metaswitch’s technical strategy for building containerised microservices that bring real-time communications to the cloud.

10:35am - 11:25am

by Jason Maude
Lead Engineer @StarlingBank

How does a start-up build a mobile only bank in the cloud that is reliable, scalable, and has a rapidly growing number of features using Java? This talk will focus on the server side implementation of Starling Bank and will show how, even though Java is over two decades old, it can still be used for cutting edge applications.

11:50am - 12:40pm

by Steve Klabnik
Rust Core Team @Mozilla

This year is going to see the most important release since Rust 1.0. In this talk, Steve will talk about where Rust is now, what new features are coming down the pipeline, how it's all being managed, and how this affects Rust's development in the future - and why this is all very exciting!

1:40pm - 2:30pm

by Esther Momcilovic
Software Engineer at Metaswitch Networks

A leader in cloud native communications software, Metaswitch has recently chosen Rust as its preferred language. Fine and dandy on the face of it, but what has that actually been like for a developer working ‘on the coal face’?

I studied the history of geology prior to working for Metaswitch, and this background has informed my perspective as a relatively new developer transitioning from more traditional languages like C to the...

2:55pm - 3:45pm

by Thiya Ramalingam
Head of Platforms, Product Integrations, Private Cloud and Partnerships @Zoom

Using C++ in real time communication platforms introduces new set of challenges in optimizing for performance. This talk will cover what we have learned over the years from running a complete C++ stack in our backend service - starting from selecting the right data structures from STLs to optimizing the code for maximum throughput.

4:10pm - 5:00pm

5:25pm - 6:15pm

by Anil Madhavapeddy
Docker Engineer, Leads OCaml Labs Group, & Lecturer @Cambridge_Uni

by Gemma Gordon
Operations Director at OCaml Labs, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

OCaml is a fast, natively compiled programming language with imperative, object-oriented and functional features. It is over two decades old now, and is often used in niche but safety-critical areas such as formal verification (in Coq, Compcert). In recent years however, it has emerged as a wonderful language to compile to new targets such as JavaScript (ReasonML), operating system kernels (MirageOS) and even FPGAs. In this talk, we will give you a brief history...

Last Year's Tracks

Monday, 5 March

Tuesday, 6 March

Wednesday, 7 March