
Next Gen Banking: It’s not all Blockchains and ICOs

Location: St James, 4th flr.

Day of week: Tuesday

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” This apocryphal quote, attributed to Henry Ford, carries a strong message for all us of interested in the future of banking. Great technologies like Blockchain, smartphones and biometrics must not be limited to just faster banking, but better banking, banking that is re-envisioned from the ground up without the limitations of last generation’s technology holding us back. This track dives into not just the technologies powering the future of banking, but also the shape that future might take.

Track Host:
Rob Harrop
CEO @Skipjaq & Co-Founder of SpringSource

As CEO at Skipjaq, Rob Harrop leads a team working on the cutting edge of machine-driven performance optimisation. When he’s not thinking about how best to tune the myriad workloads encountered by Skipjaq customers, he’s thinking hard about how to pass the optimization burden on to machines that learn. Rob is well known as a co-founder of SpringSource, the software company behind the wildly-successful Spring Framework. At SpringSource he was a core contributor to the Spring Framework and led the team that built dm Server (now Eclipse Virgo). Prior to SpringSource, Rob was (at the age of 19) co-founder and CTO at Cake Solutions, a boutique consultancy in Manchester, UK. A respected author, speaker and teacher, Rob writes and talks frequently about large-scale systems, cloud architecture and functional programming. His published works include the highly-popular Spring Framework reference “Pro Spring”.

10:35am - 11:25am

by Alex Batlin
Founder and CEO @Trustology

Problem: A company wants to retain the services of a consultant for a total of 16 hours over a 12 month period. It’s often the case that budget must be approved latest by beginning of Q1, and any budget not spent by end of Q3 gets cut, yet consultant’s services are often most needed in Q4. So company can pre-buy consultant’s time by paying for it in Q1 and then drawing down the hours during the year. Usually both company and consultant keep a spreadsheet of...

11:50am - 12:40pm

by Sharat Koya
Experiment Tech Lead & Architect @UBS

Tired of passwords? Concerned about who has your most personal data and how it is managed?

Personal data is expensive and risky for organisations to store and regulations are only going to become more onerous. What if we could put the control of an identity back in the hands of a user - only asking for it when we need it? Could Self-sovereign identity solutions address many of these issues?


1:40pm - 2:30pm

by Rob Harrop
CEO @Skipjaq & Co-Founder of SpringSource

by Mikhail Kourjanski
PayPal Lead Data Architect, Risk and Compliance Management Platform

by Teresa Ng
Android engineer @Starling Bank

by Alex Batlin
Founder and CEO @Trustology

by Sam Everington

Join the track speakers and invited guests as they discuss where banking tech is heading and how it's affecting the industry today.

2:55pm - 3:45pm

4:10pm - 5:00pm

by Mikhail Kourjanski
PayPal Lead Data Architect, Risk and Compliance Management Platform

PayPal processes about a billion dollars of payment volume daily ($354bn in FY2016); complex decisions are made for each transaction or user action, to manage risk and compliance, while also ensuring good user experience. PayPal users can make payments immediately in 200 countries with the assurance that the company’s transactions are secure. In today’s world, as fraud becomes more and more sophisticated, how does PayPal achieve this goal? While many industry solutions rely on fast analytics...

5:25pm - 6:15pm

by Teresa Ng
Android engineer @Starling Bank

by Yann Del Rey
Lead iOS Developer @StarlingBank

Starling Bank is a mobile-only challenger bank offering a personal current account. After gaining our banking licence in July 2016 we delivered two fully featured apps (iOS and Android) to the public in less than a year. As a mobile-only bank, our mobile apps are the only way for customers to access their accounts so these apps are absolutely critical. How do we build our apps with the features people expect from their traditional banks but also provide...


Monday, 5 March

Tuesday, 6 March

Wednesday, 7 March