Presentation: Fuelling the AI Revolution with Gaming

Track: The Practice & Frontiers of AI

Location: Mountbatten, 6th flr.

Duration: 1:40pm - 2:30pm

Day of week: Tuesday

Level: Intermediate

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Artificial Intelligence will improve productivity, products and services, across a broad range of applications, all benefiting humanity. NVIDIA is researching all areas and working closely with top research labs around the world, Enterprise & startups in both problem-solving and getting started. Alison's talk will briefly cover the HW & SW that comprise NVIDIA's GPU computing platform for AI, across PC to data center, cloud to edge, training to inference. The talk will also detail current state-of-the-art research & recent internal work combining robotics with virtual reality & reinforcement learning in an end-to-end simulator for training and testing robots. The system demonstrates a combination of all of NVIDIA's graphics & deep learning expertise, physics solvers and advanced rendering.
Beginners might like to try our free online 40-minute class using GPU’s in Amazon Web Services: .

Speaker: Alison Lowndes

Artificial Intelligence DevRel @NVIDIA

After spending her first year with NVIDIA as a Deep Learning Solutions Architect, Alison is now responsible for NVIDIA's Artificial Intelligence Developer Relations in the EMEA region. She is a mature graduate in Artificial Intelligence combining technical and theoretical computer science with a physics background & over 20 years of experience in international project management, entrepreneurial activities and the internet. She consults on a wide range of AI applications, including planetary defence with NASA & the SETI Institute and continues to manage the community of AI & Machine Learning researchers around the world, remaining knowledgeable in state of the art across all areas of research. She also travels and advises, teaches and evangelizes NVIDIA’s platform, around the globe.

Find Alison Lowndes at


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