Presentation: Observability Panel

Track: Observability: Logging, Alerting and Tracing

Location: Churchill, G flr.

Duration: 4:10pm - 5:00pm

Day of week: Tuesday

Level: Beginner

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Speaker: Pierre Vincent

SRE Manager @Poppulo

I am SRE manager at Poppulo, where I help teams embrace DevOps practices, focusing on building maintainable applications and continuously improving their processes. I strongly believe that DevOps is a key turning point for our industry, finally bringing together Continuous Delivery practices and Lean philosophy, all supported by safe culture of learning and innovation.

Find Pierre Vincent at

Speaker: Charity Majors

Co-Founder @Honeycombio, formerly DevOps @ParseIT/@Facebook

Charity has been on call since age 17, a terrifying thought. She has been every sort of systems engineer & manager at Facebook, Parse, Linden Lab etc, but somehow always ends up responsible for the databases. She likes free software, free speech and peaty single-malts.

Find Charity Majors at

Speaker: Sarah Wells

Technical Director for Operations and Reliability @FT (Financial Times)

Sarah Wells has been a developer for 15 years, leading delivery teams across consultancy, financial services and media. Over the last few years she has developed a deep interest in operability, observability and devops, and this has recently led to her taking over responsibility for Operations and Reliability at the Financial Times.
Before that, she lead work at the FT on building a semantic publishing platform, making it easy to discover and access all the FT’s published content via APIs in a common and flexible format. That project meant a focus on Go, microservices, containerisation, and how to influence teams to do the right things.

Find Sarah Wells at

Speaker: Yan Cui

Senior Developer at Space Ape Games

Yan is an experienced engineer who has worked with AWS for near 10 years. He has been an architect and lead developer with a variety of industries ranging from investment banks, e-commence to mobile gaming. In the last 2 years he has worked extensively with serverless technologies in production, and he has been very active in sharing his experiences and the lessons he has learnt, some of his work has even made their way into the Well-Architected whitepaper published by AWS.

Yan is polyglot in both spoken and programming languages, he is fluent in both English and Mandarin, and counts C#, F#, Scala, Node.js and Erlang amongst programming languages that he has worked with professionally. Although he enjoys learning different programming languages and paradigms, he still holds F# as his undisputed favourite.

Yan is a regular speaker at user groups and conferences internationally, and he is also the author of AWS Lambda in Motion and a co-author of F# Deep Dives. In his spare time he keeps an active blog at where he shares his thoughts on topics such as AWS, serverless, functional programming and chaos engineering.

Find Yan Cui at

Speaker: Randy Shoup

VP Engineering @WeWork

Randy is a 25-year veteran of Silicon Valley, and has worked as a senior technology leader and executive at companies ranging from small startups, to mid-sized places, to eBay and Google. Randy is currently VP Engineering at WeWork in San Francisco. He is particularly passionate about the nexus of culture, technology, and organization.

Find Randy Shoup at

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