Keynote: The Luck Factor

Location: Fleming / Whittle, 3rd fl.

Duration: 5:30pm - 6:15pm

Day of week: Wednesday


For many years, psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman has worked with some of the world’s luckiest and unluckiest people. His project, as described in "The Luck Factor," scientifically explored why some people live charmed lives. Results demonstrate that lucky people think differently from unlucky people. They are open to new experiences. They are resilient. And they are relaxed enough to see opportunities in the first place.

Wiseman developed behavioural techniques based on his research, which have enabled others to enhance their own good fortune. The efficacy of these techniques has been scientifically tested in a series of experiments referred to as Luck School, and with participants reporting increased levels of luck, happiness, confidence and success.

As luck would have it, Wiseman agreed to join us to share his research, and will reveal the small changes that you can easily make to your day (and night!) that will make you especially lucky!

Speaker: Richard Wiseman

Author of the Luck Factor, previously Consultant for National Geographic Channel’s Brain Games, History’s Your Bleeped Up Brain, & Discovery’s MythBusters.

Richard Wiseman is the only Professor of the Public Understanding of Psychology in the United Kingdom. Scientific American described him as “… the most interesting and innovative experimental psychologist in the world today.” He has written several best-selling books, and has given keynote addresses to The Royal Society, the Swiss Economic Forum, Google and Amazon.

His YouTube channel has received more than 500 million views, and he has acted as a consultant for National Geographic Channel’s Brain Games, History’s Your Bleeped Up Brain and Discovery’s MythBusters. The Independent on Sunday newspaper listed him as one of the top 100 people who make Britain a better place to live.Wiseman began his working life as a professional magician and is a member of the Inner Magic Circle. He completed his PhD at the University of Edinburgh.

Find Richard Wiseman at


Monday, 5 March

Tuesday, 6 March

Wednesday, 7 March