Presentation: JDK 9: Mission Accomplished. What Next for Java?

Track: Solutions Track III

Location: Whittle, 3rd flr.

Duration: 10:35am - 11:25am

Day of week: Wednesday

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JDK 9 was released in September 2017 and includes many changes to the Java platform.  The biggest is the Java Platform Module System (often referred to as Project Jigsaw).  This breaks up the existing rt.jar file into 97 modules but also encapsulates internal APIs, such as sun.misc.Unsafe that have previously been accessible to developers.

In this session, we'll start with a brief overview of what's new in JDK 9 including details of JPMS.  From there we'll move onto how this, as well as other changes, impact application migration from earlier versions of Java.

Oracle made several announcements about how OpenJDK will be developed moving forward, so we'll explain what these changes are and how they impact decisions about which versions of Java to use for application deployment.

We'll close with a brief look at the range of new features and projects being planned for future versions of Java to ensure that it remains the most popular development platform on the planet.

Speaker: Simon Ritter

Deputy CTO @Azul

Simon Ritter is the Deputy CTO at Azul and previously was a Java Technology Evangelist at Oracle Corporation. Simon has been in the IT business since 1984 and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Brunel University in the U.K.

Originally working in the area of UNIX development for AT&T UNIX System Labs and then Novell, Simon moved to Sun in 1996. At this time he started working with Java technology and has spent time working both in Java technology development and consultancy. Having moved to Oracle as part of the Sun acquisition he now focuses on the core Java platform and Java for client applications. He also continues to develop demonstrations that push the boundaries of Java for applications like gestural interfaces.

Find Simon Ritter at

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