Presentation: Jigsaw AMA w/ Sander Mak & Martijn Verberg

Track: Speaker AMAs (Ask Me Anything)

Location: Redgrave, 2nd flr.

Duration: 1:40pm - 2:30pm

Day of week: Monday

Level: Intermediate

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Speaker: Martijn Verburg

CEO @jClarity

Martijn Verburg is the CEO and co-founder of jClarity, a Machine Learning for Java/JVM performance analysis company. He is the co-leader of the London Java User Group (LJC), sits on the Java Standards Body (JCP) Executive Committee and leads the global Adopt a JSR and Adopt OpenJDK efforts to enable the community to contribute to Java standards and OpenJDK.

Martijn is the co-author of "The Well-Grounded Java Developer" on Java 7, Polyglot Programming on the JVM and modern software development techniques and is named as a Java Champion for his contribution to the Java ecosystem. He's a popular speaker at major conferences (JavaOne, JFokus, OSCON, Devoxx etc) where he is known for challenging the industry status quo as "the Diabolical Developer".

Find Martijn Verburg at

Speaker: Sander Mak

Fellow & Software Architect at Luminis Technologies

Sander is a Fellow at Luminis in The Netherlands, where he crafts modular and scalable software, most often on the JVM, but with a touch of TypeScript when needed. He also is a Java Champion and author of the O'Reilly book 'Java 9 Modularity' (see [](https://javamodularity)). As an avid conference speaker, Sander loves sharing knowledge, also through his blog at []( and as [Pluralsight]( instructor.

Find Sander Mak at

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