Presentation: "Groovy and Grails"

Time: Friday 10:45 - 11:45

Location: Fleet Room

Abstract: Ryan Slobojan interviewing Graeme Rocher

Graeme Rocher, Grails Project Lead

 Graeme  Rocher

Graeme Rocher is the project lead and co-founder of the Grails web application framework. He's a member of the JSR-241 Expert Group which standardizes the Groovy language.

Graeme authored the Definitive Guide to Grails for Apress and is a frequent speaker at JavaOne, JavaPolis, NoFluffJustStuff, JAOO, the Sun TechDays and more.

Before founding G2One Inc, Graeme was the CTO of SkillsMatter, a skills transfer company specializing in Open Source technology and agile software development, where Graeme was in charge of the company's courseware development strategy and general technical direction.