Presentation: "Open Standards Development: Opportunity or Constraint?"

Time: Thursday 13:00 - 14:00

Location: Rutherford Room


Is the open standards movement as significant a development as open source? Does it translate in opportunities for you, or is standards work a barrier to free software development? Are standards-development bodies the right places to engage in software development? Should you get involved, or are standards forums a waste of time, slow and bureaucratic, and a distraction from open source development opportunities?

The participants on this panel will share with you their diverse practical experience with open standards and open source development, and they will welcome an animated exchange of opinions. Bring your questions and comments, engage with the experts, and judge for yourself how open standards can help to move technology forward.

Patrick Curran, JCP

 Patrick  Curran

Patrick Curran is Chair of the JCP. In this role he oversees the activities of the JCP Program Office including driving the process, managing its membership, guiding specification leads and experts through the process, leading the Executive Committee meetings, and managing the web site. Patrick has worked in the software industry for more than 20 years and at Sun for 15 years. He has a long-standing record in conformance testing, and most recently led the Java Conformance Engineering team in Sun's Client Software Group. He was also chair of Sun's Conformance Council, which is responsible for defining Sun's policies and strategies around Java conformance and compatibility.

Patrick has participated actively in several consortia and communities including the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (member of the W3C's Quality Assurance Working Group, co-chair of the W3C Quality Assurance Interest Group), and the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS)(co-chair of the OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines Technical Committee). Patrick maintains a blog here

Paul Downey, Osmosoft

 Paul  Downey Paul is a member of Osmosoft [], a team of Open Source innovators at BT, where he acts as an advocate of Web Architecture as well as contributing to the TiddlyWiki project. Previously, Paul was BT's Chief Web Services Architect, Chaired the W3C XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Working Group as well as representing BT at various organisations including OASIS and the WS-I. He has also garnered minor notoriety as the artist behind "The Web is Agreement" [], a series of über-doodles.

Rod Johnson, Creator of Spring

 Rod  Johnson

Rod is the creator of Spring, the founder and CEO of SpringSource, and one of the world's leading authorities on Java and Java EE development.

Rod is a thought leader on open source, as well as a popular speaker at conferences and symposia around the world. Spring was based on the code published with Rod's best-selling Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development (2002). This book was one of the most influential books ever published on J2EE and the sequel, J2EE without EJB (July 2004, with Juergen Hoeller), has proven almost equally significant, establishing a comprehensive vision for lightweight, post-EJB J2EE development.

Rod has specialized in server-side Java since 1996 across a wide range of industries. His hands-on experience has led him to see problems from a client's perspective as well as a technology perspective, and has driven his influential criticism of bloated, inefficient, orthodox approaches to J2EE architecture.

Rod is a member of the Java Community Process (JCP) Executive Committee (EC). EC members guide the evolution of the Java technologies by approving and voting on all technology proposals. They are also responsible for defining the JCP's rules of governance and the legal agreement between members and the organization.

Rod holds a BA with Honors in Computer Science, Mathematics and Musicology as well as a Phd from the University of Sydney.

Stephen Colebourne

No picture of  Stephen  Colebourne Stephen Colebourne is a hands-on Software Architect at SITA ATS Ltd, where he oversees the development of e-commerce systems for airlines. He has been developing in Java since version 1.0 and has both client and server side experience. In his spare time he keeps himself very busy. Dates and times have become a passion, and he is co-spec lead of JSR-310 Date and Time API and project lead of Joda-Time. The second major area of interest is JVM languages, where he is the co-author of FCM closures and advocate for the Fan programming language - Finally, he is a member of the Apache Software Foundation following work on Commons Collections, Lang and IO. Stephen is now a regular conference speaker and a frequent blogger at He was elected a Java Champion in 2007 and was a JavaOne rock star speaker for 2008.