Workshop: Electron Workshop

Location: Henry Moore, 4th flr.

Duration: 9:00am - 12:00pm

Day of week: Thursday

Level: Intermediate

Key Takeaways

  • Learn how to get started with Electron.

  • Add features not possible in traditional web applications using Electron’s built-in modules.

  • Tackle communicating between multiple processes using inter-process communication (IPC).


You'll need a recent version of Node.js installed on your computer with administrative access. Yarn is not required, but Electron Forge uses it, so it would be helpful to install beforehand. 

Please make sure you're using a supported platform. This is particularly important if you're running Linux. 

Important note: If you're using Windows, make sure you're not using the Windows Subsystem for Linux. This will confuse Electron to thinking you're running on a Linux machine when you're really not.

Electron is a platform for building native, cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies (e.g. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). In this workshop, learn to tackle building a few desktop applications using Electron. We’ll discuss how to implement OS-level functionality, write end-to-end tests for our desktop application, write to the filesystem, and package our application for distribution.

This workshop consists of 2 parts: Part 1 (the morning session) covers Electron and part 2 (afternoon session) which covers React/Redux. Part 1 is required to attend part 2.

Taken together Electron and React/Redux enables you to build sophisticated user interfaces, write end-to-end tests for your desktop applications, write to the filesystem, and package applications for distribution.

Method of Instruction:

    • Lecture and Hands-on Development


    • Knowledge: 40%
    • Skill-Building: 60%

Target Audience

    • Intermediate Developers

Speaker: Steve Kinney

Principal Engineer @SendGrid

Steve is a principal front-end engineer at SendGrid. He is the author of Electron in Action. Steve is the director emeritus and founder of the front-end engineering program at the Turing School for Software and Design—a non-profit developer training program. He is an organizer of DinosaurJS, a JavaScript conference in Denver, Colorado and an instructor for Frontend Masters.

Find Steve Kinney at


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