Designing Secure Architectures the Modern Way, Regardless of Stack

This talk aims to attack two typical conflicts any security architect is well familiar with: 

1. Most of the design thinking for preventing security incidents and performance bottlenecks focuses on avoiding known risks in a known way. However, most of the time this approach leads to cost-efficient systems that are prone to unexpected failures and attack chaining.
2. Most of risk treatment choices for both reliability and security focus on "this stack is able to do X in a certain way and no other way around": the capabilities within each technological stack to cope with risks it's facing is limited by pre-defined feature set. 

The solution? Focusing on the risk assets, and designing defenses around asset lifecycle in a way that easily translates to any technological stack.

Eugene will share his experience of implementing sophisticated defenses in constrained environments - ranging from protecting huge power grid SCADA networks to improving end-to-end encryption in small mobile applications - and why designing it properly is what counts when limitations are constraining any easy answers one may find.


Eugene Pilyankevich

CTO @cossacklabs, Building Applied Cryptographic / Data Security Tooling

Eugene is CTO at Cossack Labs, a data security engineering company, where his job includes almost everything (as you can imagine a CTO of a small company does): defining product strategy, designing internal products and customer solutions, driving R&D efforts, ensuring the steady cycle...

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Ignat Korchagin

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This talk will describe the risk of quantum computing to cryptography, in a way suitable to an audience without quantum physics nor cryptography background.  We will present the mitigations available today thanks to research in the field of post-quantum cryptography, and we'll...

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