Details coming soon.
The Untamed Frontier of Multi-Cloud Networking
From the same track
Building Distributed Event-Driven Architectures Across Multi-Cloud Boundaries
Tuesday Apr 8 / 10:35AM BST
“Event-driven architecture” is a frequently discussed topic in architectural conversations. However, in today’s multi-cloud landscape, the more pressing question is: “How can we implement these patterns across cloud boundaries without compromising reliability?

Teena Idnani
Senior Solutions Architect @Microsoft, Woman in Tech Leader, Passionate about Quantum, Public Speaker, Mentor
Multi-Cloud with Governance and Traceability Baked-In
Tuesday Apr 8 / 02:45PM BST
Details coming soon.
Building Resilient Platforms: Insights from 20+ Years in Mission-Critical Infrastructure
Tuesday Apr 8 / 11:45AM BST
In this talk, Matthew will describe lessons learned from over 20+ years of building cloud-based scalable, secure and stable infrastructure platforms for mission critical software in financial services (electronic trading, credit card processing etc.).

Matthew Liste
Head of Infrastructure @American Express, Over 30 Years Experience in Building Critical Platforms, Previously @JPMorgan Chase and @Goldman Sachs
Things SaaS Builders Keep Getting Wrong
Tuesday Apr 8 / 05:05PM BST
Building, deploying, and operating software is hard, and that goes double when you're building SaaS.

Jon Topper
Founder @The Scale Factory, an Award Winning AWS Partner, AWS Ambassador
Unconference: Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Architectures
Tuesday Apr 8 / 01:35PM BST