Actor Model

Past Presentations

Streaming Reactive Systems & Data Pipes w. squbs

Reactive libraries are nothing new to the JVM. Reactive Streams as an SPI has even made its way into Java 9. However, their uses within microservice components are still for relatively narrow purposes like service orchestration. But we think differently. Our whole presence and universe can be...

Akara Sucharitakul Principal MTS, Architect @PayPal
Anil Gursel Software Engineer @PayPal
Actors or Not: Async Event Architectures

With more and more companies adopting microservices and service-oriented architectures, it becomes clear that the HTTP/RPC synchronous communication (while great) is not always the best option for every use case. In this presentation, I discuss two approaches to an asynchronous event-based...

Yaroslav Tkachenko Sr Software Engineer @Demonware building Activision's Call of Duty


Yaroslav Tkachenko Sr Software Engineer @Demonware building Activision's Call of Duty

Actors or Not: Async Event Architectures

What is the focus of your work today? 

I work on a large-scale data pipeline at Activision. We consume various telemetry information from Call of Duty games. Currently I'm mostly focused on ingestion and stream processing.  Actually, stream processing is a pretty big area of interest for me recently and I'm trying to learn and absorb as much available information as...

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