Track Host: Camilla Crispim

She / her / hers

Principal Technologist & Technical Director @Thoughtworks, Member of the Technology Advisory Board, Co-Author of @Thoughtworks Technology Radar

Camilla is currently a Principal Technologist, Member of the Technology Advisory Board and Co-author of the Thoughtworks Technology Radar and also Technical Director at Thoughtworks Brazil. Having a broad experience in technology and industry domains, with great focus and passion on Agile Practices and Architecture, Engineering Excellence and DevOps. Camilla ultimately is invested in how these areas can deliver value and leverage business performance.


Architecture in 2025

We will be exploring and discussing answers to questions on: What does architecture design look like in the future? What is the role of the software architect? Who else is involved? How do you prepare for this?


Tuesday Mar 28 / 10:35AM BST
