AWS Kubernetes Security for Developers

More details coming soon, however, the course will cover the following:

  • Why Kubernetes or Containers for Computing in AWS?
  • Introduction to Kubernetes Fundamentals 
  • Introduction to Kubernetes Security Fundamentals (Incl 4 C's of Kubernetes Security)
  • Introduction to Amazon EKS
  • Lab - Create and Deploy a container for an Amazon EKS Cluster
  • Amazon EKS Security Best Practices
  • Lab - Breaking a Vulnerable Application running on Amazon EKS


Ashish Rajan

CISO @Kaizenteq Ltd, Host of "Cloud Security Podcast", and SANS Trainer for Cloud Security, 13+ Years Experience in the CyberSecurity Industry

Ashish has over 13+yrs experience in the CyberSecurity industry with the last 7 focussing primarily helping Enterprise with managing security risk at scale in Cloud first world and was the CISO of a global Cloud First Tech company in his last role. Ashish is also a Keynote speaker and host of the wildly popular Cloud Security Podcast, a SANS Trainer for Cloud Security and an outspoken opinion leader on all things Cloud Security & DevSecOps. He is a frequent contributor on topics related to public cloud transformation, Cloud Security, DevSecOps, Kubernetes Security, AI Security and the associated security challenges for practitioners and CISOs.

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Friday Apr 11 / 09:00AM BST ( 7 hours )


St James



  • Attendees should have a laptop with internet access
  • Attendees should have basic technical knowledge of IT fundamentals, Security Topics & Container Fundamentals