Presentation: "Project Voldemort at Gilt Groupe: When Failure isn't An Option"

Time: Wednesday 10:30 - 11:30

Location: Westminster Suite

Project Voldemort is an open-source implementation of the Amazon Dynamo distributed key-value store.  It can be thought of as a big, distributed fault-tolerant hash table, and is one of the leading so-called "No SQL" alternatives to the relational database for certain classes of problems.  This talk covers the basic theory of operation of Project Voldemort and describes how Gilt Groupe is using Project Voldemort at the heart of their e-commerce transaction processing system.

Keywords: Dynamo, Voldemort, eCommerce, Java, Key-Value, Architecture
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Geir Magnusson, Architect and developer at Gilt Groupe, uses Project Voldemort in anger

 Geir  Magnusson

Geir Magnusson Jr, VP, Platform and Architecture, Gilt Groupe - Geir brings to Gilt his interest in scalable systems, software engineering and craftsmanship, and open source software. He's served as a technical executive and leader for companies such as 10gen, Joost, Adeptra, Bloomberg and Intel, and has built systems and solutions for industries as ranging across financial markets to fraud contact to digital audio. He also has broad experience in open source, having founded several significant open source projects, such as Apache Geronimo, Apache Harmony and Apache Velocity. A member of the Apache Software Foundation, he's represented the Foundation as a member of the Executive Committee of the Java Community Process and is a past and current member of the Board of Directors. He's also an international speaker on open source and software technology.