2015 Software Development

Host: Aino Vonge Corry

Early stage ideas and technologies that may be mainstream in 2015. Is it possible to guess or calculate what this will be. Join us at QCon 2010 for some qualified guesses. In QCon 2015 join us again to hear us gloat or apologize....

Architectures You've Always Wondered About

Host: Floyd Marinescu

Have you ever browsed to a site like Facebook or a TV network like SKY and wondered, or even fantasized about what software architecture they may have used, and what insights their teams must have after solving such complex and large-scale problems? This track will give you an exclusive chance to learn directly from some of the most well-known and high-volume web applications in the world, featuring Facebook, Skype, Bwin (the underlying platform powering most online poker sites), League of Legends (a massively multiplayer online game),and Sky.com (UK TV and online entertainment network).

The Concurrency Challenge

Host: Ulf Wiger

By now "The free lunch" ended more than five years ago; server core counts are ranging from 8 to 864, and yet the concurrency revolution has still to occur: concurrent programming is not yet mainstream. As in-process concurrency is gaining importance three methodologies are competing for programmer adoption: classic locks, transactional memory and share-nothing actors.

Cool Stuff with Java

Host: Ryan Slobojan

In many ways the future of Java is less defined by its own ecosystem than it is by the way it is being used in new application domains and how it works with other technologies and languages. This track will explore interesting and novel ways that Java is being used to solve unique and challenging problems, and how the boundaries of Java are being pushed in the process.

Irresponsible Architectures and Unusual Architects

Host: Dan North

Organisations today are facing unprecedented business complexity and ever-increasing volumes of data. "Responsible" relational databases are being subsumed by irresponsible lightweight key-value stores. "Responsible" serial processing is unable to take advantage of modern multi-core CPUs. "Responsible" software with its automated garbage collection can't guarantee low latencies. And the usual architects who make rules and build frameworks are becoming more of a bottleneck to delivering software. It's time to meet some irresponsible architectures - the web with its data-on-the-outside and polling GETs, and high-concurrency "eventually-consistent" systems - and unusual architects, who leave their ivory towers and share knowledge to make themselves redundant!

Software Craftsmanship

Host: Kevlin Henney

Although a great deal of the enthusiasm for Agile development initially grew from software developers, much of the current focus in Agile circles has moved to on organisational aspects, product management and soft skills. Software craftsmanship has emerged as a movement and a branding focused on reclaiming and re-emphasising the importance of the detail, of how to code and how to do it well.

How do you test that?

Host: Steve Freeman

In the last several years, the importance of testing software in an automated manner has been more widely realized, and there are now many types of testing tools available such as xUnit and Selenium. However, there are still many things which are difficult to test in an automated manner - this track will explore unique solutions which have been created to address challenging automated testing situations.

Non-Relational DBs & Web Oriented Data

Host: Geir Magnusson

A new class of databases have been growing in popularity recently that are document-oriented, distributed, REST-accessible, and/or schema-free. In this track we will cover the range of databases in this field such as Distributed DB, CouchDB, RDDB, HBase, BigTable and Hypertable; and look at when and why these provide new opportunities for our field.

Pragmatic Cloud Computing

Host: Russell Miles

Think "Cloud without the Fluff" and "Pragmatic Cloud Computing" - these are our themes. This track will aim to kick a huge amount of life into the subject of Cloud Computing. Typically Cloud Computing conferences (or un-conferences) tend to be either vendor-led product announcement-fests or, on the other end of the scale, polite 15 minute slots with no real depth to them. This will not be one of those conferences. Our aim is to 'inspire to the brink of provoking', to make the Cloud real by encouraging passionate and uber-relevant speakers and talks that stand firmly on the edge of being considered 'confrontational'.

Agile Evolution

Host: Jesper Boeg

Since the creation of the Agile Manifesto, Agile software development has seen many ideas come and go. In this track we will take a critical look at the lessons learned during the past two decades of agile development and explore how we sometimes have to move beyond our agile comfort zone to deliver customer value. Concepts like Kanban and Lean software development are challenging the traditional way of perceiving agile development and are even seen as threat to the core agile values by some. Still these methods have proven to be highly effective in creating sustaining environments that deliver customer value effectively. Becoming more agile might therefore not always be the answer and this track will explore what has been learned as agile practices have been tested and modified in real-world environments. Hopefully expanding your agile toolbox and making you think differently about the application of agile principles and practices.

Dev and Ops: A single team

Host: Christopher Read

The relationship between Development and Operations has historically been an antagonistic one - Operations blames Development for giving them software that's not ready for production, and Development blames Operations for breaking the software or doing crazy things to it which cause bugs. This track will explore the challenges of bringing both Development and Operations together into a single team and how that benefits the entire organization.

SOA 2010

Host: Stefan Tilkov

SOA has stalled. Some say it is dead. Regardless of whether you think it is stalled or dead, the way we approach SOA is significantly changing from its origins. Companies can no longer afford large-scale big-bang SOA efforts; business users are no longer willing to devote time, money, and energy into something they don't understand; the current economic situation has forced companies to turn towards tactical approaches rather than strategic ones. How do we "sell" SOA in this market? This track will focus on new approaches to SOA, using techniques such as Incremental SOA and Tactical SOA. With change comes innovation. Come to the sessions in this track to find out what innovations in the SOA space are keeping SOA alive and well in the tumultuous years ahead.

AlphaGeeks on .NET

Host: Josh Graham

A while back, people like Scott Hanselman and Martin Fowler observed that Microsoft may be losing AlphaGeeks from its ecosystem. However, with David Laribee's alt.net movement and an increasingly feature-rich Mono, there may be a different story today. This track intends to showcase some of the practitioners, tools and technologies to provide an awareness of something other than the Microsoft mantra for software development on .NET

Browser as a Platform

Host: Dylan Schiemann

The browser is emerging as the new client platform. AJAX, RIA, and the ongoing JavaScript performance races are fueling this development. This is most notably applied for front-end applications of SaaS and/or cloud applications, but increasingly also as a platform in it's own right, as we are starting to see browser-based applications that are not tied to a specific back-end system, but rather exists in them selves or integrate a number of other web-based services.

Functional programming

Host: Ola Bini

After fifty years of academic usage, functional programming is finally entering the wider world and seeing real mainstream uptake. But functional programming is still seen as a somewhat obscure practice by many developers. This track contains discussions and talks about different aspects related to functional programming without putting to much focus on any one specific language. Ever wondered what functional programming is really about? Are there functional design patterns just as there are object oriented design patterns? What are monads, really? This track will answer these kind of questions, and many more.

IT - more than tools and technology

Host: Martin Fowler

When creating software for a complex and rapid changing technology world, methods and tools certainly are a main factor in the results. However, excellence in IT demands more than technical knowledge: it's critical to acknowledge the impact of individuals and teams on end results. Perhaps more importantly, though, as software systems can impact many people’s lives we also have a responsibility to consider their wider impact and maximize the potential of our work in society. In this track we will try and address some of the responsibilities and opportunities we have as professionals in IT. This track is brought to you by ThoughtWorks.

Solution Track: Friday

Host: Roxanne Beverstein


Solution Track: Wednesday

Host: Roxanne Beverstein


Solutions Track: Performance and Scalability

Host: Roxanne Beverstein

What does it take to scale? This panel will bring together leading architects and solution providers in the area of performance, scalability, fault tolerance, & clustering; the panel will explore current & emerging architectures, practices, and solutions for achieving predictable performance & scalability.