Presentation: An Engineering-Led Culture at Scale

Track: Building Great Engineering Cultures & Organizations

Location: Whittle, 3rd flr.

Duration: 2:55pm - 3:45pm

Day of week: Tuesday

Level: Intermediate

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This talk presents Sky Betting and Gaming’s journey from establishment of a core ‘engineering-driven’ people and culture model, to replication throughout the UK team and now internationally across the group. How to create a learning environment, and encouraging meaningful growth by empowering teams and individuals to drive their own progress. The implications for classic HR-driven ‘performance management’ of embracing an engineering culture. For learning and development, establishing continuous technical capability pathways instead of linear IT career paths (the coder vs manager fork), and finally, the requirements for an inspiring physical environment.

Speaker: Amanda Bellwood

People Operations Manager @skybet

Amanda has worked at the intersection of 'HR’ and engineering team management for over 10 years, helping organisations such as William Hill adopt engineering-driven people management to achieve scale and agility. At Sky Betting and Gaming, Amanda has been involved in the creation of an engineering-focused working environment.

Find Amanda Bellwood at

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