Presentation: "Interactive websites: Comet and DWR"

Time: Friday 09:30 - 10:30

Location: St James's Suite


As the web gets more social, things change faster. As we get more Ajax, people stay on pages longer. Clearly there is a growing need for a way to automatically update web pages as they are being viewed.

This presentation digs into the techniques behind Comet, including the multi-platform Bayeux protocol, and will look at how the open source Ajax library, DWR allows you to call Java from Javascript and Javascript from Java.

Joe Walker

 Joe  Walker Joe Walker is lead developer of the DWR framework, and Director of Support and Development at Sitepen UK. He is a frequent speaker at industry events like InfoQ, JavaOne, FoWA and The Ajax Experience. He is an author of Ajax in Practice by Manning, and blogs at and also at