Presentation: "LiquidityHub"

Time: Wednesday 17:00 - 18:00

Location: Abbey Room


How do you design a pricing and trade negotiation system that has to handle 20,000 msg/s with a latency less than 100ms? How do you then make sure that the system is scalable and reliable? This session examines the following:

  1. LiquidityHub's business proposition.
  2. How Detica approached this and the key non-functional requirements for LiquidityHub.
  3. Detailed insight into the LiquidityHub architecture and the implementation, including use of industry standard protocols and real-time Java.
  4. Lessons learned.

Tony Harrop, LiquidityHub

 Tony  Harrop

Tony is Chief Technology Officer at LiquidityHub, a messaging platform in the financial services fixed income market. LiquidityHub is a consortium-owned organisation which will allow for a standard trading protocol to be established between the main dealing banks and their distributors.

Since the start of 2007 activity has focused on opening an office, recruiting staff, planning and implementing the platform, as well as building the operational organisation necessary to hit the launch date.

The platform architectural strategy is built on leveraging best-of-breed technology to ensure that the high performance and scalability targets needed for such a key financial platform are met.

Jeremy Vickers, Detica

 Jeremy  Vickers

Jeremy is a technical architect working within Detica's Global Financial Services group, experienced in the design and delivery of highly scalable and distributed systems. He is a specialist in JEE technologies and has a good knowledge of real time architectures, SOA and web based systems.

Jeremy has been involved in a variety of complex delivery projects, ranging from building trading platforms and negotiation engines, to online eServices for insurance products. He is the leader of the Detica Financial Markets Standards Special Interest Group and is a subject matter expert for the FIX protocol.