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Trackhost: Alexis Richardson, co-founder of CohesiveFT

Trackhost: Alexis  Richardson

Alexis Richardson is a co-founder of CohesiveFT, developers of Elastic Server On Demand (ESOD) and sponsors of RabbitMQ AMQP. ESOD delivers production-line assembly of custom application stacks for any virtual format and the cloud.

Previously he was CEO and co-founder of MetaLogic, a middleware company specialising in high throughput caching and transaction management products. A past consultant for Fortune 1000 corporations, Alexis most recently worked on various high performance front office trading solutions. Before that he worked in proprietary trading of fixed income derivatives at Goldman Sachs, after researching and teaching mathematical logic and computer science at Oxford University.

Presentation: "Introduction Finance/Banking..."

Time: Wednesday 10:30 - 10:45

Location: Abbey Room

Abstract: In Finance/Banking systems it's not uncommon to see applications delivering over 1 million messages per second. In XTP (extreme transaction processing) applications, high volumes with low latency is fundamental requirement. This track looks at some of the latest innovations as well as time-proven best practices that architects of banking & finance systems need to know. If you've ever thought of moving your servers from one side of the building to the other to shave a few milliseconds off a message exchange, then this track is for you.