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Erich Gamma, IBM

 Erich  Gamma

Erich Gamma is a Distinguished Engineer at IBM Rational Software's Zurich lab. He is one of the leaders of the Jazz project. He was the original lead of the Eclipse Java development environment and is on the Project Management Committee for the Eclipse project.

Erich is also a member of the Gang of Four, which is known for its classical book, Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.

Erich has collaborated with Kent Beck on developing JUnit, the de facto standard testing tool for Java software, and on writing the book Contributing to Eclipse: Principles, Patterns, and Plug-ins.

Presentation: "How Eclipse changed my views on Software Development"

Time: Wednesday 09:00 - 10:00

Location: Fleming Room


Eclipse is is an interesting software development effort at many different levels. My involvment in Eclipse has signifcantly influenced the way I view software development today.

In this talk I will reflect on how Eclipse changed my views on architecture, development practices, process and team collaboration.

I also discuss how Eclipse influenced the design of the Jazz team collaboration platform.

Presentation: "Jazz, Eclipse, JUnit"

Track:   Interviews

Time: Wednesday 11:00 - 12:00

Location: Wordsworth Room