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Joe Walker

 Joe  Walker Joe Walker is lead developer of the DWR framework, and Director of Support and Development at Sitepen UK. He is a frequent speaker at industry events like InfoQ, JavaOne, FoWA and The Ajax Experience. He is an author of Ajax in Practice by Manning, and blogs at http://getahead.org/blog/joe and also at http://cometdaily.com

Presentation: "Interactive websites: Comet and DWR"

Time: Friday 09:30 - 10:30

Location: St James's Suite


As the web gets more social, things change faster. As we get more Ajax, people stay on pages longer. Clearly there is a growing need for a way to automatically update web pages as they are being viewed.

This presentation digs into the techniques behind Comet, including the multi-platform Bayeux protocol, and will look at how the open source Ajax library, DWR allows you to call Java from Javascript and Javascript from Java.