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Kevin Seal, Detica

No picture of  Kevin  Seal Kevin has been working with Java for 10 years, in defence research through dot com to investment banking. Currently he works at Detica's Financial Services business unit. While getting on well with server-side Java, Kevin's also a keen Swing developer (and possibly masochist) and a regular contributor to Coding the Architecture.

Tutorial: "Coding the Architecture: From Developer To Architect"

Track:   Tutorial

Time: Monday 09:00 - 16:00

Location: Wesley Room


This session is an interactive introduction to software architecture and what it means to be a software architect. It's aimed at software developers who are looking towards their first software architect role, as well as architects that are new to the role. By attending this session you will gain:

  • An understanding of what it means to be a software architect and the responsibilities associated with the role.
  • An understanding of the trade-offs that are made when making architectural decisions.
  • Some experience of what it feels like to be an architect on a bespoke software development project; including gathering non-functional requirements, determining the drivers for architecture and defining an architecture.
  • An understanding that, as a software architect, it's okay to do some coding.

The session is interactive; with a combination of presentation, group discussion and group working. Throughout the day you'll be solidifying everything you learn by defining the architecture for a small software system. The overall goal is that you can take the experience gained here and apply it to your own projects.