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Trackhost: Kresten Krab Thorup, Trifork A/S

Trackhost: Kresten  Krab Thorup

PhD, Cand.scient in Computer Science. Managing Partner at Trifork A/S since 2000. Responsible for the technical side of Trifork's business development. Java-Expert with 15 years of international experience with software development, implementation, and programming.

Previously worked at NeXT and Power TV in California, USA. Primiary driver of tracks and content for JAOO. Member of international standard committee JSR 244 Expertgroup. Assistant Director of Java Bruger Gruppen. Member of Java Community Process.

Presentation: "Introduction: Programming Languages of tomorrow"

Time: Friday 09:00 - 09:15

Location: Westminster Suite

Abstract: Recent years has - happily - seen an enormous diversification in new programming languages. In this track we continue following these developments looking into languages such as Erlang, F#, and Scala. Why is the scene suddently open to these developments, and how can we best leverage them in our next software project?