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Trackhost: Matt Deacon, Microsoft

Trackhost: Matt  Deacon

Matt Deacon is the Chief Architectural Advisor for the Developer and Platform Group at Microsoft Ltd, in the UK. His primary role is to serve as an advisor to Microsoft's customers, and the public, on all matters relating to the field and profession of IT Architecture.

He chairs the Microsoft UK Architect Council, a body of 30 senior industry Architects who provide feedback and advice to Microsoft on matters of product direction and strategy and is the owner of the Microsoft Architect Forums and Architect Insight, Microsoft UK's premier 2-day architectural conference. Matt brings over 16 years experience in the IT industry delivering many mission critical enterprise solutions on both Microsoft and Java platforms.

As founder UK region of the International Association of Software Architects (IASA) and now the IASA European Regional Chair, he is successfully building an active and informed community of IT architect professionals within the IT industry in the UK and across Europe.

Presentation: "Introduction: .NET: Client..."

Time: Wednesday 10:30 - 10:45

Location: Westminster Suite

Abstract: We live in interesting times. The traditionally parallel worlds of enterprise software and Internet services are on a collision course. As the enterprise portfolio increasingly becomes a mix of on-premise software and Internet-based services, architects and developers will have to accommodate both problem spaces in their design decisions. In this track we will explore these new architectural paradigms and how Microsoft's technology roadmap will take full advantage of the intersection of software plus services.