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Mike Fuller, InterSystems

 Mike  Fuller

Director of Marketing for Northern and Southern Europe, Middle East, Africa and India, based in the UK, Mike Fuller joined InterSystems in March 2000 after more than 20 years in the IT industry.

The majority of InterSystems business is delivered through innovative software partners. Mike works closely with them and so maintains a first-hand experience of what works and what does not work in the software industry today.

His career has spanned the IT spectrum and industries, with technical and sales roles in distributors, systems integrators and software houses in the healthcare, finance, retail and government sectors.

Notably, Fuller started his career at the Hoskyns Group, now part of CAP Gemini, which provided him with a firm grounding in software design, project management and consultancy.

Presentation: "Design, Develop, Test and Deploy your Java Persistent Application: All in 30 Minutes"

Time: Wednesday 14:30 - 15:30

Location: Rutherford Room


We will provide an overview of Jalapeño, which is a technology feature of InterSystems Caché object database that automatically provides POJO persistence for Java applications from class descriptions.

With IDE plug-ins (for Netbeans, Eclipse, and IntelliJ) database refactoring and unit test data generation, Jalapeño promotes the rapid development of high quality applications.

Caché provides several other options for persisting data, JDBC and ODBC for high performance SQL access, support for Web Services .Net, EJB and now JPA.

Attend this session to learn how InterSystems Caché with Jalapeño can help you make your applications more valuable.