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Olav Maassen, QNH

 Olav  Maassen

Olav Maassen is Chief Engineer at QNH, the Netherlands and has nine years experience in IT doing projects mainly for financial institutions. He is co-author of "Applied Java Patterns" and an experienced speaker at conferences. His main interest is in helping teams work together more effectively. Olav strives for continuous improvement both for himself as for those he works with.

You can contact Olav at olav.maassen@decision-coach.com

Currently Chris and Olav are cooperating on a book on Real Options.

Presentation: "Realistic about Risk: Software development with Real Options"

Track:   XpDay Sampler

Time: Thursday 16:00 - 17:00

Location: Guild Room


This session introduces Real Options and shows how it can help in running your project. Real Options is a decision-making process based on Financial Option Theory and Applied Psychology that can be used to manage risk. Applying Real Options to software development explains why many of the Agile practices are so successful.

This session is about changing people's mindset and behaviour. Whilst looking for a tool to price real options, we found a rational decision-making process based on maths and logic, rather than emotion and intuition. One key to managing risk is understanding the psychological effects of uncertainty, and we can alleviate these by using Real Options to structure our decisions.

This session will help people discover options where they haven't seen them before, making decisions will never be the same again.