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Remy Sharp, Left Logic

 Remy  Sharp

Remy Sharp started web development 10 years ago as the sole developer for Digital Look. As such, was exposed to all aspects running the web site during, and long after, the dotcom boom.

Today he works part time as a lead developer for Digital Look, advising on architecture design and writing JavaScript and Perl. The rest of the time is spent running his own Brighton based development company, called Left Logic http://leftlogic.com

While he's not busy working, Remy is either blogging at http://remysharp.com or at http://jqueryfordesigners.com when he should probably enjoying his spare time with his wife.

Presentation: "The DOM scripting toolkit: jQuery"

Time: Friday 14:30 - 15:30

Location: St James's Suite


jQuery is a JavaScript library which allows you to develop solutions with less code, in less time. You can build interactive prototypes for your prospective clients, or take an existing solution and add new dynamic behaviour with very little effort.

This presentation will introduce, and demonstrate, how jQuery can be used to quickly and concisely apply JavaScript behaviour to your web app. It will cover selectors, Ajax, DOM manipulation, plugins and more. It will show you how to turn 20 lines of code in to just a few lines of unobtrusive jQuery.