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Trackhost: Stefan Tilkov

Trackhost: Stefan  Tilkov

Stefan Tilkov is co-founder and principal consultant at innoQ, a technology consulting company with offices in Germany and Switzerland.

He has been involved in the design of large-scale, distributed systems for more than a decade, using a variety of technologies and tools ranging from C++ and CORBA over J2EE/Java EE and Web Services to REST and Ruby on Rails.

Stefan is lead SOA editor of InfoQ, author of a numerous articles and a frequent speaker at conferences around the world.

Presentation: "Introduction: SOA, REST and the Web"

Time: Thursday 10:30 - 10:45

Location: Westminster Suite

Abstract: The debate about whether or not Web Services are "Web" in name only, and whether or not the architectural style known as "REST" has benefits beyond the browser/Web server communication, started before the term SOA was even coined. More and more business interactions move to the Web; simultaneously, companies become more and more dynamic and loosely coupled. In this track, we will leave the this-vs.-that discussions behind and show how to derive value from the Web's architecture for SOA scenarios.

Presentation: "REST: A Pragmatic Introduction to the Web's Architecture"

Time: Thursday 11:00 - 12:00

Location: Westminster Suite


REST, short for REpresentational State Transfer, is a name for the architectural principles underlying the world's largest and most successful distributed system - the World Wide Web.

In this talk, Stefan will describe the key REST principles, the reason for their existence, and the differences between RESTful HTTP applications and SOAP/WSDL-based Web services.

Stefan will also show how to design RESTful applications and demonstrate some typical patterns and anti-patterns discovered in the wild.