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QCon is a practitioner-driven conference designed for technical team leads, architects, and project managers who influence software innovation in their teams.

Presentation: "Conference Opening & Introduction of Today's Tracks"

Track: Keynote / Time: Wednesday 08:45 - 09:00 / Location: To be announced

Floyd Marinescu and Wednesday Track Hosts will present the program and provide a short introduction to the Tracks scheduled for Wednesday.

Adrian Kosmaczewski, Fanatic, creator of successful iPhone applications/ Track Host

Adrian Kosmaczewski

Biography: Adrian Kosmaczewski

Adrian Kosmaczewski has been writing software for the past 20 years. He started working professionally in 1996, riding the first and second waves of the web, right from the inside. He has shipped web applications using various technologies, as well as desktop systems for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. He is the founder of akosma software, delivering quality software since 2008.

Adrian started writing Cocoa applications for the Mac in 2002, and has been writing iPhone apps since he returned from WWDC 2008. When not writing software, Adrian likes to spend time with his wife Claudia. He updates his blog and Twitter account as often as possible and is happy to have new followers every day.

Adrian has studied physics in Switzerland and economics in Buenos Aires, and holds a Master in Information Technology with a specialization in Software Engineering from the University of Liverpool.

Blog URL: 
Personal blog:
Open source projects: 

Aino Vonge Corry, Retrospectives Facilitator/ Track host

Aino Vonge Corry

Biography: Aino Vonge Corry

Aino Corry is a technical conference editor and retrospectives facilitator. She holds a masters degree and a ph.d. in computer science and is founder of Metadeveloper, her new tiny company. She has 12 years of experience with Patterns in Software Development, and teaches OO design, software architecture and development in academia and industry.
In her spare time, she runs and sings (but not at the same time)
Twitter: @apaipi
Video presentation: Functional Design Patterns

Andrew Phillips, PMC Member, jclouds/ Track Host

Andrew Phillips

Biography: Andrew Phillips

An early believer in the ability of Java to deliver "enterprise-grade" software, Andrew quickly focused on the development of high-throughput, resilient and scalable Java EE applications. Specializing in concurrency and high performance development, Andrew gained substantial experience of the intricacies, complexity and challenges of enterprise application environments while working for a succession of multinationals.

Continuously focused on effectively integrating promising new developments in the JVM space into corporate software development, Andrew joined XebiaLabs in March 2009, where he is responsible for product management of their deployment automation product Deployit. Amongst others, he worked on Multiverse, the open-source Java STM implementation behind Akka, and contributes to jclouds, the leading Java cloud library. He's also enjoying the wide variety of JVM offerings, especially Clojure and Scala.

Charles Humble, CTO for PRPi Consulting / Track Host

Charles Humble

Biography: Charles Humble

Charles Humble is CTO for PRPi Consulting with overall responsibility for the development of all the custom software used within the company, and the lead Java editor for InfoQ. He has worked in enterprise software for around 15 years as a developer, architect and development manager. He co-founded Conissaunce, a UK based enterprise computing consultancy focused on the retail and financial services industries, and remains a director of the firm. He spends as much time as he can with his young family, and writes music with twofish.

Twitter: @charleshumble

Steve Vinoski, Architect at Basho / Track Host

Steve Vinoski

Biography: Steve Vinoski

Steve Vinoski is an architect at Basho Technologies in Cambridge, MA, USA. He's worked on distributed systems and middleware systems for over 20 years, including distributed object systems, service-oriented systems, and RESTful web services. His interest in software quality and development speed led Steve to start exploring and using Erlang in 2006, and he's used it as as his primary development language ever since. He writes "The Functional Web" column for IEEE Internet Computing in which he explores the use of functional programming languages for web development.

Twitter: @stevevinoski