Presentation: High Performance Managed Languages



1:40pm - 2:30pm

Day of week:




Common wisdom dictates that native languages are the only means of building high-performance applications. How do managed runtimes such as those available to .NET, Java, and even JavaScript, yes even JavaScript compare? Many applications requiring high-performance are now developed for managed runtimes - such as financial trading, data stores and analytics, messaging processing, and even supercomputing.

Over the last few decades we have seen significant advances in managed runtimes, particularly for JIT compilers and garbage collectors. In this talk we will explore how our managed runtimes can equal, and even better in some cases, the performance of native languages.

Speaker: Martin Thompson

High Performance & Low Latency Specialist

Martin is a Java Champion with over 2 decades of experience building complex and high-performance computing systems. He is most recently known for his work on Aeron and SBE. Previously at LMAX he was the co-founder and CTO when he created the Disruptor. Prior to LMAX Martin worked for Betfair, three different content companies wrestling with the world largest product catalogues, and was a lead on some of the most significant C++ and Java systems of the 1990s in the automotive and finance domains. He blogs at, and can be found giving training courses on performance and concurrency when he is not cutting code to make systems better.

Find Martin Thompson at

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