Achieve Optimal Efficiency for your Developer Experience Teams

Developer Experience teams are quite popular these days as organisations understand the value of optimising for developers productivity.

At Monzo, we have a Developer Experience team that aims to meaningfully increase velocity by landing exceptional developer experiences, for example we delivered a Feature Flag and Experimentation Platform across Monzo to increase experimentation by 50%.

In this presentation, we bring you insights and learnings from our experience, with particular focus on:

  • Getting the right people and tools in place for a successful Developer Experience team
  • Building impactful Developer Experiences that matter
  • Communicating effectively about the impact of a Developer Experience team


Fabien Deshayes

Engineering Manager - Platform & Developer Experience @Monzo, Previously @Spotify

Fabien is a Platform Engineering Manager at Monzo, where he leads the Developer Experience team in order to meaningfully increase velocity of engineers by landing exceptional developer experiences. Prior to Monzo, Fabien worked as an Engineering Manager at Spotify where he contributed to Backstage, the open source Developer Portal; in particular Fabien looked at how organizations can scale successfully by creating platform products.

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