Amazon DynamoDB Distributed Transactions at Scale

NoSQL databases are popular for their high availability, high scalability, and predictable performance. These characteristics are generally considered to be at odds with support for transactions because other implementations of transactions leverage locks or other techniques that come with inherent complexity and low performance.

This talk explains how transactions were added to Amazon DynamoDB using a timestamp-based ordering protocol to achieve low latency for both transactional and non-transactional operations without compromising on performance, availability, ease of use, or scalability. You will also learn when and how to use DynamoDB transactions to accelerate your application development.


Akshat Vig

Senior Principal Engineer NoSQL databases @awscloud

Akshat Vig is a Senior Principal Engineer at AWS. Akshat has been working on DynamoDB since its inception. He is one of the primary authors on the DynamoDB paper published at USENIX. DynamoDB is one of the largest and most mission critical distributed systems in the world, and underpins much of AWS, Amazon, and the internet ecosystem today. As a Principal engineer, Akshat solves some of the most difficult distributed systems problems at Amazon across multiple services. He has filed close to 100 patents, served on IEEE program committees, and has given keynotes around the world. He is excited to solve the next big challenge in distributed systems. 

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Monday Mar 27 / 02:55PM BST ( 50 minutes )


Mountbatten (6th Fl.)


transactions application development


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The pre-recorded video of this presentation will become available within the next few hours.  

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Joran Greef

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