Presentation: "Introduction: AlphaGeeks on .NET"

Time: Thursday 10:20 - 10:30

Location: Rutherford Room

Josh Graham, Chief Dispenser of Pleasantries, Hashrocket

 Josh  Graham
Josh Graham is a crazy Aussie with over 20 years experience in the software industry (as many years as he's been drinking legally).
He has spoken at and chaired conferences on SOA, enterprise architecture, agile software delivery, and technology innovation.
After spending time on 5 continents during 2009 for ThoughtWorks and wanting to "stay at home for a little bit", Josh opened the Chicago office of Hashrocket at the beginning of 2010 (although plans to still visit 5 continents in 2010).
Josh organizes speakerconf. You may have met Josh already at a bar.