Presentation: "MorganDirect: OSGi and industrial-strength Swing"

Time: Friday 10:30 - 11:30

Location: St. James's Suite


MorganDirect is a flexible user interface delivering foreign exchange, rates and options trading to employees and clients of J.P.Morgan. Built using Java and OSGi, MorganDirect offers a platform for deploying user-specific functionality while maintaining a responsive approach to development.

This technical session will provide an insight into the architecture of a large-scale Swing application, some of the tricks that make it possible to remain agile, how to support it and, of course, whether it's possible to write good-looking Swing.

Keywords: Java, Swing, OSGi

Target audience: Java developers or anyone interested in client-side development.

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Kevin Seal, Co-founder of the Coding the Architecture community website and long-standing Java fan

 Kevin  Seal Kevin has been working with Java for 10 years, in defence research through dot com to investment banking. Currently he works at JPMorgan developing front-office trading solutions. While getting on well with server-side Java, Kevin's also a keen Swing developer.