Presentation: "Not Only SQL: Alternative Data Persistence and Neo4J"

Time: Wednesday 13:45 - 14:45

Location: Westminster Suite


The misnamed "NoSQL" movement is less of a rejection of the relational technology that has served us well for 40 years, but rather an embrace of persistence technologies that help us solve problems not well addressed by the classic RDBMS. This talk will provide an overview of the "NoSQL" landscape and in addition, describe both the technology behind and a significant deployment example of Neo4J, a graph-oriented alternative data store.

Keywords: Neo4J, Graph DB, NoSQL

Target audience: Any developer with an interest in alternative database solutions in general or specifically graph databases.

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Emil Eifrém, Founder of Neo4j

 Emil  Eifrém

After some unsuccessful attempts at demo programming in the 80s, Emil Eifrem found a hacker's home in the world of text role-playing games in the early days of the internet.

100 000 lines of spaghetti C, almost as many segfaults and several sleepless years later, he escaped into the warm embrace of Java 1.0a2 and has stayed there ever since. (He has no regrets but is secretly proud that the text game he founded is still played almost 15 years later.)

After a decade as a developer, mentor and architect at a consulting- and product company in southern Sweden, Emil's current focus is on evangelizing graph databases and preaching the demise of tabular solutions everywhere.