Presentation: Tweet"Runtime Analytics: Finding out what your users really think of your software"
Agile, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and lean are now mainstream concepts. Runtime analytics is key to realizing the promise of these concepts as we strive to efficiently meet users' needs in ever shorter development cycles and in more uncertain environments. By rapidly providing insightful information about how our applications and services are used, and the problems our users encounter, runtime analytics enables a product (or product idea!) to be rapidly tested, modified, and adapted.
Although the talk's emphasis is on using runtime analytics to support a lean startup project, runtime analytics is important to all phases of the product life cycle and relevant to everyone from Developer to Sales Manager.
We will look at a number of case studies and the measurable benefits of using runtime analytics.
The purpose of the talk is to leave you with an appreciation of the possibilities provided by runtime analytics, and to inspire you to use it to enhance your development processes and the software you create. You will learn at least at least five ways in which you can use runtime analytics to enhance your development processes, speedup your release cycles, and more rapidly deliver the desired product.
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