Presentations about Tensorflow

Machine Intelligence at Google Scale

Real-Time Decisions Using ML on the Google Cloud Platform

Real-Time Decisions Using ML on the Google Cloud Platform
Real-Time Decisions Using ML on the Google Cloud Platform
What is the focus of your work today?
Carlos: The team is currently building the new ML-powered fraud application, to be used by fraud agents at Ocado and also other retailers using our Ocado Smart Platform. The team is currently focused on building the pipelines that allow us to integrate the real-time production systems with the “big data” stored in Google Cloud and on adding more features to the ML models that will improve their accuracy.
What’s the motivation for this talk?
Carlos: Most talks about ML are usually given by data scientists who have a research background. This is usually intimidating for Software Engineers, but also, we believe they overlook important aspects such as how to deploy those models to production, build automated pipelines, monitor their accuracy, etc.