Hybrid Cloud-Native Networking in Enterprise - Some Assembly Required

Delivering a 'useful' network in the typical enterprise has always been challenging. Whether it's the rush to containerization, business goals around accelerated value delivery or regulatory pressure to be multi-cloud or even resurrect your own data centers, that job keeps getting harder. How should we evaluate the tools we use and how do we want them to compose to be useful?


Louis Ryan

CTO @solo.io, Co-Creator of Istio and gRPC

Husband, dad, bad fisherman & Irish rugby fan 

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Tuesday Apr 8 / 03:55PM BST ( 50 minutes )


Fleming (3rd Fl.)


networking servicemesh APIs


From the same track

Session architecture

Building Distributed Event-Driven Architectures Across Multi-Cloud Boundaries

Tuesday Apr 8 / 10:35AM BST

“Event-driven architecture” is a frequently discussed topic in architectural conversations. However, in today’s multi-cloud landscape, the more pressing question is: “How can we implement these patterns across cloud boundaries without compromising reliability?

Speaker image - Teena Idnani

Teena Idnani

Senior Solutions Architect @Microsoft, Woman in Tech Leader, Passionate about Quantum, Public Speaker, Mentor


Scaling Cloud and Distributed Applications: Lessons and Strategies From chase.com, #1 Banking Portal in the US

Tuesday Apr 8 / 05:05PM BST

As businesses increasingly rely on cloud applications, efficient scaling becomes essential. This talk presents real-world strategies from Chase.com's cloud transformation, showcasing effective approaches to building resilient and high-performing systems.

Speaker image - Durai Arasan

Durai Arasan

Head of Architecture for Chase.com @JP Morgan Chase, Previously Chief Architect @ETRADE Financial, With 28+ Years of Experience Building Critical Platforms and Solving Complex Tech Challenges

Session Platform Engineering

Building Resilient Platforms: Insights from 20+ Years in Mission-Critical Infrastructure

Tuesday Apr 8 / 11:45AM BST

In this talk, Matthew will describe lessons learned from over 20+ years of building cloud-based scalable, secure and stable infrastructure platforms for mission critical software in financial services (electronic trading, credit card processing etc.).

Speaker image - Matthew Liste

Matthew Liste

Head of Infrastructure @American Express, Over 30 Years Experience in Building Critical Platforms, Previously @JPMorgan Chase and @Goldman Sachs

Session cloud

Things SaaS Builders Keep Getting Wrong

Tuesday Apr 8 / 02:45PM BST

Building, deploying, and operating software is hard, and that goes double when you're building SaaS.

Speaker image - Jon Topper

Jon Topper

Founder @The Scale Factory, an Award Winning AWS Partner, AWS Ambassador


Unconference: Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Architectures

Tuesday Apr 8 / 01:35PM BST