Speaker: Mitchell Hashimoto

Creator of Vagrant, Packer, Consul. CEO of Hashicorp
Mitchell Hashimoto is best known as the creator of Vagrant, Packer, Terraform and Consul. Mitchell is the founder of HashiCorp, a company that builds powerful and elegant DevOps tools. He is also an O’Reilly author. He is one of the top GitHub users by followers, activity, and contributions. “Automation obsessed,” Mitchell solves problems with as much computer automation as possible.

Find Mitchell Hashimoto at

Talk: Observe, Enhance, & Control: VMs to Containers

Other talks from the same track

Author of The Core Protocols: A Guide to Greatness
Co-founder @Force12.io - scaling containers in real-time

Mitchell Hashimoto Elsewhere


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Monday, 7 March

Tuesday, 8 March

Wednesday, 9 March